Our Investment Approach
Barrantagh’s fundamental value investment style is focused on identifying quality companies that can be purchased below intrinsic value. Target investments display a combination of lower than average cyclicality, conservative use of leverage, proven management and above average ESG profiles. Our quality focus delivers low portfolio risk measures including volatility, beta and downside market capture. We believe that focusing portfolios on our best ideas is the best approach to generating alpha and as such we deliver benchmark agnostic portfolios limited to 20 – 40 securities per strategy. As value investors we understand the importance of long-term investing (low portfolio turnover) and that share prices compound with earnings growth over time.
Strategies offered to institutional clients include:
Institutional Markets
Barrantagh offers investment management services to institutional clients including:
- Pensions
- Foundations & Endowments
- Indigenous Communities
- Insurance
- Corporate
Working with Clients & Consultants
Our Sales & Marketing team is committed to supporting clients and the consultant community across the country:
- Open communication and timely responses with Portfolio Managers & Senior Partners – we welcome informal contact at any time
- Meetings & conference calls as requested
- Quarterly performance/trade rationale reporting
- Portfolio analysis and market insights
Working with Foundations
Our adherence to a fundamental value investment philosophy delivers a natural solution to the investment needs of foundations, endowments and charities. Our focus on value investing principles delivers portfolios with consistent above average yield, portfolio income in the form of interest and dividends, cashflows which offer a greater degree of predictability in offsetting spending requirements and protecting assets from inflation. Our focus on capital preservation delivers low-risk portfolios which contribute to the sustainability of meeting spending requirements over the near-term and growing assets over the long-term.
- Advise in investment policy formulation and spending policies
- Open communication and timely responses with Portfolio Managers & Senior Partners – we welcome informal contact at any time
- Meetings & conference calls as requested
- Quarterly performance/trade rationale reporting
- Portfolio analysis and market insights
- Advise in investment policy formulation and spending policies
- Open communication and timely responses with Portfolio Managers & Senior Partners – we welcome informal contact at any time
- Meetings & conference calls as requested
- Quarterly performance/trade rationale reporting
- Portfolio analysis and market insights
Balanced Mandates & Foundations – Boutique Advantage
Working with Indigenous Clients
Barrantagh is honoured to work with Indigenous communities across Canada. Assets managed on behalf of Indigenous communities represent a significant portion and growth of our business since being awarded our first mandate in 2005. Our adherence to a conservative value investment philosophy delivers a natural solution to the investment needs of Indigenous communities. Our focus on value investing principles creates portfolios with consistent above average yield (income in the form of interest and dividends) which offers a greater degree of predictability in offsetting spending requirements, protecting assets from inflation and overall return.
Our focus on capital preservation delivers low-risk portfolios which contribute to the sustainability of meeting spending requirements over the near-term and growing assets over the long-term. Barrantagh’s bottom-up research process includes an integrated approach to sustainable investing with a detailed analysis of an investments Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. Barrantagh is a member-firm and annual sponsor of the National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association (NATOA).
Sharing Ideas & Our Commitment to Education
Our service commitment includes:
- Advise in investment policy formulation and spending policies
- Open communication and timely responses with our Portfolio Managers & Senior Partners – we welcome informal contact at any time
- Meetings & conference calls as requested
- Quarterly performance/trade rationale reporting
- Portfolio analysis and market insights